How long are fresh eggs good for

Collecting farm-fresh eggs is a rewarding experience, but proper storage is essential to maintain their quality and safety. Fresh eggs should be refrigerated promptly to preserve their freshness. It’s advisable to store them in their original carton on the coldest shelf of the refrigerator, as this helps maintain their quality.

While the “sell by” date on the carton serves as a guideline, eggs are typically safe to consume for several weeks beyond this date when stored correctly. For those collecting unwashed eggs from backyard chickens, it’s generally recommended to wash them before storing to ensure cleanliness and safety.

To assess the freshness of your eggs, you can perform a simple float test. Place the egg in a bowl of cold water; if it sinks and lays flat on its side, it’s fresh. If it stands upright at the bottom, it’s still good but should be used soon. An egg that floats indicates it’s no longer fresh and should be discarded. Additionally, if an egg emits a strong odor or has visible cracks or damage on the shell, it’s best to avoid using it. By following these practices, you can ensure that your farm-fresh eggs remain safe and enjoyable to eat. 

How to wash fresh eggs? 

When washing farm-fresh eggs, it’s essential to use lukewarm water, as water that’s too hot or cold can draw bacteria into the egg through its porous shell. Gently rinse each egg individually under running water, avoiding soaking, and use only water without soap or detergent to minimize the risk of bacteria entering the egg.

After washing, promptly dry the eggs with a clean cloth and store them in the refrigerator between 32°F and 40°F. This process helps maintain the eggs’ safety and freshness. 

How long do eggs last? 

Unwashed eggs can last about two weeks unrefrigerated and up to three months or more in the refrigerator. If you have an abundance of eggs, it’s advisable to refrigerate any unwashed ones you don’t plan to use immediately to extend their shelf life.

Eggs can remain fresh for three to five weeks in the refrigerator, but the “Sell-By” date on the carton often expires before then. The FDA recommends using eggs within three weeks for optimal quality.

How often do chickens lay eggs? 

Collecting eggs regularly is essential for maintaining cleanliness and preventing cracks. Gather eggs two to three times daily, especially during extreme weather, to keep them clean and reduce the risk of cracking. Always discard eggs with noticeable cracks, as they can allow bacteria to enter.

To ensure strong eggshells, provide laying hens with 4 grams of calcium daily, all sourced from their feed. Purina® premium layer feeds incorporate the Oyster Strong® System, combining oyster shell, vitamin D, and manganese to support strong-shelled, nutritious eggs.

How Long Are Fresh Eggs Good For? 

Unwashed eggs can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks and refrigerated for up to three months. If you don’t plan to consume them within a month, it’s advisable to refrigerate unwashed eggs to extend their shelf life.

Washed eggs should always be refrigerated immediately and can last for about a month to five weeks. Proper storage is crucial to maintain the freshness and safety of your farm-fresh eggs.

Why are my chickens eating eggs? 

To prevent chickens from eating their eggs, it’s crucial to collect eggs frequently, ideally two to three times daily, to minimize the chance of hens discovering and developing a taste for them. If egg-eating behavior is observed, identify and isolate the culprit to prevent the habit from spreading.

Providing adequate nutrition, especially sufficient calcium, helps maintain strong eggshells, reducing the likelihood of accidental breakage that can lead to egg eating. Additionally, placing dummy eggs, such as ceramic or wooden ones, in nesting boxes can discourage hens from pecking at real eggs.


Collecting farm-fresh eggs is a rewarding experience, but proper storage is essential to maintain their quality and safety. Fresh eggs should be refrigerated promptly to preserve their freshness. It’s advisable to store them in their original carton on the coldest shelf of the refrigerator, as this helps maintain their quality.

While the “sell by” date on the carton serves as a guideline, eggs are typically safe to consume for several weeks beyond this date when stored correctly. For those collecting unwashed eggs from backyard chickens, it’s generally recommended to wash them before storing to ensure cleanliness and safety. If you need more info about How to gain weight with fast metabolism then visit this page.


Can I eat eggs 2 month old

Properly refrigerated eggs can last 3 to 5 weeks. If stored correctly, consuming eggs that are 2 months old is generally safe.

How long are fresh laid eggs good for?

Freshly laid, unwashed eggs can be kept at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. For extended freshness, it’s best to refrigerate them, where they can last up to 3 months.

How can you tell if fresh eggs good have gone bad?

To check if an egg is still good, place it in a bowl of water. If it sinks and lays flat, it’s fresh; if it stands upright, it’s still usable but should be consumed soon; if it floats, it’s best to discard it.

What happens if you don’t collect chicken eggs daily?

Not collecting chicken eggs daily can lead to several issues. Eggs left in the nest can become dirty or cracked, increasing the risk of bacterial contamination. Additionally, hens may develop the habit of eating their own eggs if they discover broken ones.

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